A simple step-by-step guide to getting started on the FilDA platform

4 min readApr 12, 2021


A simple step-by-step guide to getting started on the FilDA platform

Moving assets to the Huobi Eco Chain (HECO) is a process that requires some preparation and information. This is a new area in DeFi and will likely evolve in time. There is a step-by-step guide at the bottom of this article.

The first requirement is setting up a MetaMask Wallet on your browser. (This is a browser extension — Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Brave are supported).

In order to use the wallet, you will need some Huobi Tokens (HT) in your MetaMask wallet. This is used as ‘gas’ for your transactions. You can acquire this from Huobi, however there is a minimum withdrawal amount (2 HT currently), alternatively have someone send you some.

In MetaMask, set up what is called a custom RPC Network — this sounds complicated, but really it’s just how you switch from one blockchain to the other. In this instance, you will be adding the HECO chain to your wallet, enabling you to make transactions on the chain.

MetaMask Settings, Add Network and Select Network

Once added, in order to view FilDA and other HECO assets in your wallet, you will need to add what is called a ‘token contract’. This will let you view your FilDA in the wallet once you have sent it there.

Again, this sounds more complicated than it is, all you have to do is ‘Add Custom Token’ and enter the contract address (0xe36ffd17b2661eb57144ceaef942d95295e637f0) into the field and it will auto-fill the rest for you. It will then automatically add the token ticker to the wallet, enabling you to see your FilDA balance.

Now your MetaMask is ready to receive FilDA, head back to Huobi and deposit your asset of choice, and purchase FilDA on the exchange.

Once you have acquired FilDA, you’re ready to send it to your wallet. At the top of the MetaMask wallet, there is ONE address for everything on Heco.

Add Custom Token and MetaMask Address

This actually makes it really simple; copy this address and paste it in the withdrawal section of the exchange and you can send your newly acquired FilDA to your MetaMask wallet.

Withdrawing assets from Huobi

On FilDA.io you can choose where to deposit or stake your funds. To add to the DAO pool, navigate to Staking, find the DAO Pool and deposit your chosen amount of FilDA to start earning FilDA rewards (and HT, HFI and more FilDA!)

Rewards and FilDA DAO pool

Please note that the DAO pool has a 3 day lock period where you wait 72 hours for your funds to be transferred from the smart contract back to your wallet. You will not earn any rewards during this 3 day period.

Welcome to FilDA, DeFi on HECO.

Step-by-step guide

Setting up a MetaMask wallet

  1. Go to MetaMask.io and download the extension.
  2. Create new wallet (write down your seed words and KEEP THEM SAFE)

Adding Huobi Eco Chain RPC Network (HECO) to MetaMask

  1. Go to MetaMask Settings/Networks
  2. Select Add Network and enter details:

Transactions on the HECO chain

  • If you don’t have any HT in your MetaMask wallet you cannot make transactions on the HECO chain
  • Sending some HT as well as FilDA means you’ll have ‘gas’ to pay for transactions on FilDA.io/HECO. Ensure you select the HECO option if it is available (sending FilDA doesn’t require this option as it is a HECO asset)
  • If you don’t have any HT then ask in https://t.me/FilDAcommunity and someone will help you out. (A 0.005HT transfer will cost only 0.000027HT in gas)

Sending exchange funds to HECO MetaMask wallet address

  1. Log into your exchange (Huobi, MEXC, etc.) account and purchase FilDA on the exchange
  2. Go to the withdrawal page and choose FilDA to transfer
  3. Select withdrawal, enter your MetaMask wallet address, and process the withdrawal

Sending funds to FilDA.io DAO pool

  1. Navigate to FilDA.io and connect MetaMask wallet
  2. Navigate to Staking and select Stake FilDA Token in the FilDA DAO (Lock Period: 3 days)
  3. Approve the asset
  4. Select how much to stake and process the transaction

You are now earning FilDA rewards


FilDA Contract address: 0xe36ffd17b2661eb57144ceaef942d95295e637f0






Written by FilDA

FilDa is your portal into the next wave of decentralized finance.

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