The FilDA Report

May 2023

1 min readJul 5, 2023

Product Dynamics:

  • Deployed FilDA on BTTC test network and main network.
  • The veFilDA module was launched on the BTTC testnet and mainnet.

FilDA Product Data:

  • Total deposits and loans: $12,066,533.74
  • Current FilDA circulation:217,192,392 FILDA
  • DAO pool pledge amount: 58,126,412.15 FILDA ($70,633.21
  • Number of current addresses: 145,467
  • CMC market cap rank: 4524
  • Coingecko Market Cap rank: 2741

In May the loan agreement interest income for users (USDT):

  • IoTeX: 199,729.46
  • HECO: 13,874.74

Operational Dynamics:

  • FilDA temporarily suspended the ESC network operations for the protocol. There was no risk of liquidation for loans as deposits were suspended.
  • All FiDA operations on the ESC network were restored. Normal service was resumed.

About FilDA

FilDA is a decentralized banking platform containing two fundamental protocols:

Banking — Lending and Borrowing assets (based on Compound)
Staking — Locking of assets to earn rewards (based on Harvest)

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FilDa is your portal into the next wave of decentralized finance.